# n8n is an automation integration tool for connecting data from services # together with triggers. { config, lib, ... }: { config = lib.mkIf config.services.n8n.enable { unfreePackages = [ "n8n" ]; services.n8n = { settings = { n8n = { listenAddress = ""; port = 5678; }; }; }; # Configure Cloudflare DNS to point to this machine services.cloudflare-dyndns.domains = [ config.hostnames.n8n ]; # Allow web traffic to Caddy caddy.routes = [ { match = [ { host = [ config.hostnames.n8n ]; } ]; handle = [ { handler = "reverse_proxy"; upstreams = [ { dial = "localhost:${builtins.toString config.services.n8n.settings.n8n.port}"; } ]; } ]; } ]; }; }