# Don't print a new line at the start of the prompt add_newline = false format = """\ $directory\ $git_branch\ $git_commit\ $git_status\ $character\ """ [character] symbol = "❯" [cmd_duration] min_time = 3_000 show_notifications = true min_time_to_notify = 30_000 format = "[$duration]($style) " [directory] truncate_to_repo = true truncation_length = 100 [git_branch] format = "[$symbol$branch]($style)" [git_commit] format = "[$hash]($style) " disabled = false [git_status] format = "[$all_status$ahead_behind]($style) " conflicted = " =" ahead = " ⇡" behind = " ⇣" diverged = " ⇕" untracked = " ⋄" stashed = " ⩮" modified = " ∽" staged = " +" renamed = " »" deleted = " ✘" style = "red" [python] symbol = "" format = '[\($virtualenv\)]($style)' [custom.virtualenv] command = "echo (basename $VIRTUAL_ENV)" # shows output of command format = "[$output]($style) " when = "true" # prefix = "(" # suffix = ") "