{ pkgs, dsl, lib, ... }: { plugins = [ pkgs.vimPlugins.vim-surround # Keybinds for surround characters pkgs.vimPlugins.vim-eunuch # File manipulation commands pkgs.vimPlugins.vim-fugitive # Git commands pkgs.vimPlugins.vim-repeat # Better repeat using . pkgs.vimPlugins.vim-abolish # Keep capitalization in substitute (Subvert) pkgs.vimPlugins.markview-nvim # Markdown preview pkgs.vimPlugins.nvim-colorizer-lua # Hex color previews pkgs.vimPlugins.which-key-nvim # Keybind helper ]; # Initialize some plugins setup.colorizer = { user_default_options = { names = false; }; }; setup.markview = { }; setup.which-key = { }; vim.o = { termguicolors = true; # Set to truecolor hidden = true; # Don't unload buffers when leaving them list = true; # Reveal whitespace with dashes expandtab = true; # Tabs into spaces shiftwidth = 4; # Amount to shift with > key softtabstop = 4; # Amount to shift with key ignorecase = true; # Ignore case when searching smartcase = true; # Check case when using capitals in search infercase = true; # Don't match cases when completing suggestions incsearch = true; # Search while typing visualbell = true; # No sounds scrolljump = 1; # Number of lines to scroll scrolloff = 3; # Margin of lines to see while scrolling splitright = true; # Vertical splits on the right side splitbelow = true; # Horizontal splits on the bottom side clipboard = "unnamedplus"; # Uses system clipboard for yanking updatetime = 300; # Faster diagnostics mouse = "nv"; # Mouse interaction / scrolling inccommand = "split"; # Live preview search and replace }; vim.wo = { number = true; # Show line numbers relativenumber = true; # Relative numbers instead of absolute }; # For which-key-nvim vim.o.timeout = true; vim.o.timeoutlen = 300; # Better backup, swap and undo storage vim.o.backup = true; # Easier to recover and more secure vim.opt.undofile = true; # Keeps undos after quit vim.opt.swapfile = false; # Instead of swaps, create backups vim.o.backupdir = dsl.rawLua ''vim.fn.expand("~/.local/state/nvim/backup//")''; vim.o.undodir = dsl.rawLua ''vim.fn.expand("~/.local/state/nvim/undo//")''; # Required for nvim-cmp completion vim.opt.completeopt = [ "menu" "menuone" "noselect" ]; lua = lib.mkBefore '' vim.loader.enable() ${builtins.readFile ../lua/keybinds.lua}; ${builtins.readFile ../lua/settings.lua}; ''; vimscript = '' " Remember last position when reopening file au BufReadPost * if line("'\"") > 0 && line("'\"") <= line("$") | exe "normal! g`\"" | endif " Flash highlight when yanking au TextYankPost * silent! lua vim.highlight.on_yank { timeout = 250 } ''; }