{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }: let promUid = "victoriametrics"; in { config = lib.mkIf config.services.grafana.enable { # Allow Grafana to connect to email service secrets.mailpass-grafana = { source = ../../../private/mailpass-grafana.age; dest = "${config.secretsDirectory}/mailpass-grafana"; owner = "grafana"; group = "grafana"; permissions = "0440"; }; systemd.services.mailpass-grafana-secret = { requiredBy = [ "grafana.service" ]; before = [ "grafana.service" ]; }; services.grafana = { settings = { server = { domain = config.hostnames.metrics; http_addr = ""; http_port = 3000; protocol = "http"; }; smtp = rec { enabled = true; host = "${config.mail.smtpHost}:465"; user = "grafana@${config.mail.server}"; password = "$__file{${config.secrets.mailpass-grafana.dest}}"; from_name = "Grafana"; from_address = user; }; }; provision = { enable = true; datasources.settings.datasources = [ { name = "VictoriaMetrics"; type = "prometheus"; access = "proxy"; url = "http://localhost${config.services.victoriametrics.listenAddress}"; uid = promUid; } ]; # TODO: Add option to pull services from a list like Caddy does dashboards.settings.providers = [ { name = "test"; type = "file"; allowUiUpdates = true; options.path = "${ (pkgs.writeTextDir "dashboards/dashboard.json" ( builtins.toJSON { annotations = { list = [ { builtIn = 1; datasource = { type = "grafana"; uid = "-- Grafana --"; }; enable = true; hide = true; iconColor = "rgba(0, 211, 255, 1)"; name = "Annotations & Alerts"; target = { limit = 100; matchAny = false; tags = [ ]; type = "dashboard"; }; type = "dashboard"; } ]; }; editable = true; fiscalYearStartMonth = 0; graphTooltip = 0; id = 1; links = [ ]; liveNow = false; panels = [ { collapsed = false; gridPos = { h = 1; w = 24; x = 0; y = 0; }; id = 20; panels = [ ]; title = "Services"; type = "row"; } # Uptime (Overall) { datasource = { type = "prometheus"; uid = promUid; }; description = ""; fieldConfig = { defaults = { color = { mode = "thresholds"; }; decimals = 2; mappings = [ ]; max = 1; min = 0; noValue = "0"; thresholds = { mode = "percentage"; steps = [ { color = "#9d2a37"; value = null; } { color = "#a8663a"; value = 99; } { color = "#bea25c"; value = 99.8; } { color = "#62895d"; value = 100; } ]; }; unit = "percentunit"; }; overrides = [ ]; }; gridPos = { h = 4; w = 3; x = 0; y = 1; }; id = 146; options = { colorMode = "background"; graphMode = "area"; justifyMode = "auto"; orientation = "auto"; reduceOptions = { calcs = [ "lastNotNull" ]; fields = ""; values = false; }; text = { }; textMode = "value_and_name"; }; pluginVersion = "10.0.2"; targets = [ { datasource = { type = "prometheus"; uid = promUid; }; editorMode = "code"; exemplar = false; expr = "min(avg_over_time(up))"; instant = false; legendFormat = "Min"; range = true; refId = "A"; } ]; title = "Uptime"; type = "stat"; } # Cloudflare Tunnel { datasource = { type = "prometheus"; uid = promUid; }; description = ""; fieldConfig = { defaults = { color = { mode = "thresholds"; }; decimals = 2; mappings = [ ]; max = 1; min = 0; noValue = "0"; thresholds = { mode = "percentage"; steps = [ { color = "#720d19"; value = null; } { color = "#a8663a"; value = 99; } { color = "semi-dark-orange"; value = 100; } ]; }; unit = "percentunit"; }; overrides = [ ]; }; gridPos = { h = 4; w = 4; x = 3; y = 1; }; id = 157; options = { colorMode = "background"; graphMode = "area"; justifyMode = "auto"; orientation = "auto"; reduceOptions = { calcs = [ "lastNotNull" ]; fields = ""; values = false; }; text = { }; textMode = "value_and_name"; }; pluginVersion = "10.0.2"; targets = [ { datasource = { type = "prometheus"; uid = promUid; }; editorMode = "code"; exemplar = false; expr = ''systemd_unit_state{name=~"cloudflared-tunnel-.*", state="active"}''; instant = false; legendFormat = "{{job}}"; range = true; refId = "A"; } ]; title = "Tunnel"; type = "stat"; } # Services Uptime { datasource = { type = "prometheus"; uid = promUid; }; fieldConfig = { defaults = { color = { mode = "thresholds"; }; mappings = [ { options = { "0" = { color = "dark-red"; index = 1; text = "Down"; }; "1" = { color = "#305387"; index = 0; text = "Up"; }; }; type = "value"; } ]; thresholds = { mode = "absolute"; steps = [ { color = "green"; value = null; } { color = "red"; value = 80; } ]; }; }; overrides = [ ]; }; gridPos = { h = 4; w = 6; x = 7; y = 1; }; id = 13; links = [ ]; options = { colorMode = "background"; graphMode = "none"; justifyMode = "auto"; orientation = "auto"; reduceOptions = { calcs = [ "lastNotNull" ]; fields = ""; values = false; }; textMode = "auto"; }; pluginVersion = "10.0.2"; targets = [ { datasource = { type = "prometheus"; uid = promUid; }; editorMode = "code"; exemplar = false; expr = "nextcloud_up"; instant = false; interval = ""; legendFormat = "Nextcloud"; range = true; refId = "A"; } { datasource = { type = "prometheus"; uid = promUid; }; editorMode = "code"; expr = "sabnzbd_status"; hide = false; legendFormat = "Sabnzbd"; range = true; refId = "B"; } { datasource = { type = "prometheus"; uid = promUid; }; editorMode = "code"; expr = "radarr_system_status"; hide = false; legendFormat = "Radarr"; range = true; refId = "C"; } { datasource = { type = "prometheus"; uid = promUid; }; editorMode = "code"; expr = "readarr_system_status"; hide = false; legendFormat = "Readarr"; range = true; refId = "F"; } { datasource = { type = "prometheus"; uid = promUid; }; editorMode = "code"; expr = "sonarr_system_status"; hide = false; legendFormat = "Sonarr"; range = true; refId = "D"; } { datasource = { type = "prometheus"; uid = promUid; }; editorMode = "code"; expr = "prowlarr_system_status"; hide = false; legendFormat = "Prowlarr"; range = true; refId = "E"; } ]; title = "Services"; transparent = true; type = "stat"; } # Gitea Actions (disabled?) { datasource = { type = "prometheus"; uid = promUid; }; description = ""; fieldConfig = { defaults = { color = { mode = "thresholds"; }; mappings = [ ]; thresholds = { mode = "absolute"; steps = [ { color = "#5d664a"; value = null; } ]; }; unit = "none"; }; overrides = [ ]; }; gridPos = { h = 4; w = 3; x = 13; y = 1; }; id = 90; links = [ { targetBlank = true; title = ""; url = "https://${config.hostnames.git}/admin/runners"; } ]; options = { colorMode = "background"; graphMode = "none"; justifyMode = "auto"; orientation = "auto"; reduceOptions = { calcs = [ "lastNotNull" ]; fields = ""; values = false; }; textMode = "auto"; }; pluginVersion = "10.0.2"; targets = [ { datasource = { type = "prometheus"; uid = promUid; }; editorMode = "code"; exemplar = false; expr = ''gitea_actions{job="flame"}''; instant = false; interval = ""; legendFormat = "__auto"; range = true; refId = "A"; } ]; title = "Gitea Actions"; transparent = true; type = "stat"; } # Video Library { datasource = { type = "prometheus"; uid = promUid; }; fieldConfig = { defaults = { color = { fixedColor = "#5a4c30"; mode = "fixed"; }; mappings = [ ]; thresholds = { mode = "absolute"; steps = [ { color = "dark-blue"; value = null; } ]; }; unit = "bytes"; }; overrides = [ ]; }; gridPos = { h = 4; w = 3; x = 16; y = 1; }; id = 18; links = [ { targetBlank = true; title = ""; url = "https://${config.hostnames.stream}"; } ]; options = { colorMode = "background"; graphMode = "none"; justifyMode = "auto"; orientation = "auto"; reduceOptions = { calcs = [ "lastNotNull" ]; fields = ""; values = false; }; textMode = "auto"; }; pluginVersion = "10.0.2"; targets = [ { datasource = { type = "prometheus"; uid = promUid; }; editorMode = "code"; "expr" = ''zfs_dataset_used_bytes{name="tank/video",job="swan"}''; legendFormat = "__auto"; range = true; refId = "A"; } ]; title = "Video Library"; transparent = true; type = "stat"; } # NAS Storage { datasource = { type = "prometheus"; uid = promUid; }; description = ""; fieldConfig = { defaults = { color = { mode = "thresholds"; }; decimals = 0; mappings = [ ]; max = 1; min = 0; thresholds = { mode = "percentage"; steps = [ { color = "super-light-green"; value = null; } ]; }; unit = "percentunit"; }; overrides = [ ]; }; gridPos = { h = 2; w = 4; x = 19; y = 1; }; id = 38; 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uid = promUid; }; fieldConfig = { defaults = { color = { mode = "palette-classic"; }; custom = { fillOpacity = 69; lineWidth = 2; spanNulls = false; }; mappings = [ { options = { "0" = { color = "#d13b4d"; index = 1; text = "Down"; }; "1" = { color = "#33372c"; index = 0; text = "Up"; }; }; type = "value"; } ]; noValue = "0"; thresholds = { mode = "absolute"; steps = [ { color = "green"; value = null; } ]; }; }; overrides = [ { matcher = { id = "byName"; options = "localhost:${builtins.toString config.services.jellyseerr.port}"; }; properties = [ { id = "displayName"; value = "Jellyseerr"; } { id = "links"; value = [ { targetBlank = true; title = ""; url = "https://${config.hostnames.download}"; } ]; } ]; } { matcher = { id = "byName"; options = "localhost:${builtins.toString config.services.bazarr.listenPort}"; }; properties = [ { id = "displayName"; value = "Bazarr"; } { id = "links"; value = [ { targetBlank = true; title = ""; url = "https://${config.hostnames.download}/bazarr"; } ]; 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} ]; }; }; overrides = [ ]; }; gridPos = { h = 4; w = 6; x = 7; y = 5; }; id = 108; options = { colorMode = "background"; graphMode = "none"; justifyMode = "auto"; orientation = "auto"; reduceOptions = { calcs = [ "lastNotNull" ]; fields = ""; values = false; }; textMode = "auto"; }; pluginVersion = "10.0.2"; targets = [ { datasource = { type = "prometheus"; uid = promUid; }; editorMode = "code"; exemplar = false; expr = ''increase(http_requests_received_total{endpoint="Sessions/Playing"}[1d])''; instant = false; legendFormat = "Past Day"; range = true; refId = "A"; } { datasource = { type = "prometheus"; uid = promUid; }; editorMode = "code"; expr = ''increase(http_requests_received_total{endpoint="Sessions/Playing"}[7d])''; hide = false; legendFormat = "Past Week"; range = true; refId = "B"; } { datasource = { type = "prometheus"; uid = promUid; }; editorMode = "code"; expr = ''increase(http_requests_received_total{endpoint="Sessions/Playing"}[30d])''; hide = false; legendFormat = "Past Month"; range = true; refId = "C"; } ]; title = "Streams"; transparent = true; type = "stat"; } # Media Stats { datasource = { type = "prometheus"; uid = promUid; }; fieldConfig = { defaults = { color = { fixedColor = "#895d3a"; mode = "fixed"; }; mappings = [ ]; thresholds = { mode = "absolute"; steps = [ { color = "green"; value = null; } ]; }; }; overrides = [ ]; }; gridPos = { h = 4; w = 6; x = 13; y = 5; }; id = 105; options = { colorMode = "background"; graphMode = "none"; justifyMode = "auto"; orientation = "auto"; reduceOptions = { calcs = [ "lastNotNull" ]; fields = ""; values = false; }; textMode = "auto"; }; pluginVersion = "10.0.2"; targets = [ { datasource = { type = "prometheus"; uid = promUid; }; editorMode = "code"; exemplar = false; expr = "radarr_movie_downloaded_total"; hide = false; instant = true; legendFormat = "Movies"; range = false; refId = "C"; } { datasource = { type = "prometheus"; uid = promUid; }; editorMode = "code"; exemplar = false; expr = "sonarr_series_downloaded_total"; 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}; mappings = [ ]; thresholds = { mode = "absolute"; steps = [ { color = "green"; value = null; } ]; }; }; overrides = [ ]; }; gridPos = { h = 4; w = 2; x = 17; y = 9; }; id = 135; options = { colorMode = "background"; graphMode = "none"; justifyMode = "auto"; orientation = "auto"; reduceOptions = { calcs = [ "lastNotNull" ]; fields = ""; values = false; }; textMode = "auto"; }; pluginVersion = "10.0.2"; targets = [ { datasource = { type = "prometheus"; uid = promUid; }; editorMode = "code"; exemplar = false; expr = "radarr_movie_missing_total"; instant = true; legendFormat = "Movies"; range = false; refId = "A"; } { datasource = { type = "prometheus"; uid = promUid; }; editorMode = "code"; expr = "sonarr_episode_missing_total"; hide = false; legendFormat = "Episodes"; range = true; refId = "B"; } ]; title = "Requests"; transparent = true; type = "stat"; } # CPU by Host { datasource = { type = "prometheus"; uid = promUid; }; fieldConfig = { defaults = { color = { mode = "thresholds"; }; decimals = 2; mappings = [ ]; max = 1; min = 0; thresholds = { mode = "percentage"; steps = [ { color = "#a82e3c"; value = null; } { color = "red"; value = 90; } ]; }; unit = "percentunit"; }; overrides = [ { matcher = { id = "byName"; options = "flame"; }; properties = [ { id = "displayName"; value = "Flame 🔥"; } ]; } { matcher = { id = "byName"; options = "swan"; }; properties = [ { id = "displayName"; value = "Swan 🦢"; } ]; } { matcher = { id = "byName"; options = "tempest"; }; properties = [ { id = "displayName"; value = "Tempest 🌊"; } ]; } ]; }; gridPos = { h = 4; w = 7; x = 0; y = 13; }; id = 72; options = { displayMode = "basic"; minVizHeight = 10; minVizWidth = 0; orientation = "horizontal"; reduceOptions = { calcs = [ "lastNotNull" ]; fields = ""; values = false; }; showUnfilled = true; valueMode = "color"; }; pluginVersion = "10.0.2"; targets = [ { datasource = { type = "prometheus"; uid = promUid; }; editorMode = "code"; exemplar = false; expr = ''sort_desc(max(irate(node_cpu_seconds_total{instance="${builtins.toString config.services.prometheus.exporters.node.port}",mode=~"system|user"}[$__range])) by (job))''; instant = true; legendFormat = "__auto"; range = false; refId = "A"; } ]; title = "CPU"; transformations = [ ]; transparent = true; type = "bargauge"; } # Memory by Host { datasource = { type = "prometheus"; uid = promUid; }; fieldConfig = { defaults = { color = { mode = "thresholds"; }; decimals = 2; mappings = [ ]; max = 1; min = 0; thresholds = { mode = "percentage"; steps = [ { color = "#ce95ca"; value = null; } { color = "semi-dark-red"; value = 90; } ]; }; unit = "percentunit"; }; overrides = [ { matcher = { id = "byName"; options = "tempest"; }; properties = [ { id = "displayName"; value = "Tempest 🌊"; } ]; } { matcher = { id = "byName"; options = "swan"; }; properties = [ { id = "displayName"; value = "Swan 🦢"; } ]; } { matcher = { id = "byName"; options = "flame"; }; properties = [ { id = "displayName"; value = "Flame 🔥"; } ]; } ]; }; gridPos = { h = 4; w = 7; x = 7; y = 13; }; id = 73; options = { displayMode = "basic"; minVizHeight = 10; minVizWidth = 0; orientation = "horizontal"; reduceOptions = { calcs = [ "lastNotNull" ]; fields = ""; values = false; }; showUnfilled = true; valueMode = "color"; }; pluginVersion = "10.0.2"; targets = [ { datasource = { type = "prometheus"; uid = promUid; }; editorMode = "code"; exemplar = false; "expr" = "sort_desc(node_memory_Active_bytes/node_memory_MemTotal_bytes)"; instant = true; legendFormat = "{{job}}"; range = false; refId = "A"; } ]; title = "Memory"; transformations = [ { id = "sortBy"; options = { }; } ]; transparent = true; type = "bargauge"; } # Storage by Host { datasource = { type = "prometheus"; uid = promUid; }; fieldConfig = { defaults = { color = { mode = "thresholds"; }; decimals = 2; mappings = [ ]; max = 1; min = 0; thresholds = { mode = "percentage"; steps = [ { color = "#dbda61"; value = null; } { color = "semi-dark-red"; value = 90; } ]; }; unit = "percentunit"; }; overrides = [ { matcher = { id = "byName"; options = "flame"; }; properties = [ { id = "displayName"; value = "Flame 🔥"; } ]; } { matcher = { id = "byName"; options = "swan"; }; properties = [ { id = "displayName"; value = "Swan 🦢"; } ]; } { matcher = { id = "byName"; options = "tempest"; }; properties = [ { id = "displayName"; value = "Tempest 🌊"; } ]; } ]; }; gridPos = { h = 4; w = 7; x = 14; y = 13; }; id = 74; options = { displayMode = "basic"; minVizHeight = 10; minVizWidth = 0; orientation = "horizontal"; reduceOptions = { calcs = [ "lastNotNull" ]; fields = ""; values = false; }; showUnfilled = true; valueMode = "color"; }; pluginVersion = "10.0.2"; targets = [ { datasource = { type = "prometheus"; uid = promUid; }; editorMode = "code"; exemplar = false; expr = ''sort_desc((node_filesystem_size_bytes{mountpoint="/"} - node_filesystem_avail_bytes{mountpoint="/"}) / node_filesystem_size_bytes{mountpoint="/"})''; instant = true; legendFormat = "{{job}}"; range = false; refId = "A"; } ]; title = "Storage"; transformations = [ ]; transparent = true; type = "bargauge"; } # Host Bar { collapsed = false; gridPos = { h = 1; w = 24; x = 0; y = 17; }; id = 16; panels = [ ]; repeat = "host"; repeatDirection = "h"; title = "Host"; type = "row"; } # Host Label { datasource = { type = "prometheus"; uid = promUid; }; description = ""; fieldConfig = { defaults = { color = { mode = "thresholds"; }; mappings = [ { options = { flame = { color = "orange"; index = 2; text = "Flame 🔥"; }; swan = { color = "text"; index = 1; text = "Swan 🦢"; }; tempest = { color = "#6fa8e1"; index = 0; text = "Tempest 🌊"; }; }; type = "value"; } ]; thresholds = { mode = "absolute"; steps = [ { color = "dark-blue"; value = null; } ]; }; unit = "none"; }; overrides = [ ]; }; gridPos = { h = 3; w = 3; x = 0; y = 18; }; id = 19; options = { colorMode = "value"; graphMode = "none"; justifyMode = "auto"; orientation = "auto"; reduceOptions = { calcs = [ "lastNotNull" ]; fields = "/^job$/"; values = false; }; textMode = "auto"; }; pluginVersion = "10.0.2"; targets = [ { datasource = { type = "prometheus"; uid = promUid; }; editorMode = "code"; expr = ''node_os_info{job="$host"}''; format = "table"; legendFormat = "__auto"; range = true; refId = "A"; } ]; title = "Host"; transparent = true; type = "stat"; } # Vitals { datasource = { type = "prometheus"; uid = promUid; }; description = ""; fieldConfig = { defaults = { color = { mode = "thresholds"; }; decimals = 0; mappings = [ ]; max = 1; min = 0; thresholds = { mode = "percentage"; steps = [ { color = "super-light-green"; value = null; } { color = "orange"; value = 70; } { color = "red"; value = 90; } ]; }; unit = "percentunit"; }; overrides = [ ]; }; gridPos = { h = 5; w = 6; x = 3; y = 18; }; id = 123; options = { displayMode = "basic"; minVizHeight = 10; minVizWidth = 0; orientation = "horizontal"; reduceOptions = { calcs = [ "lastNotNull" ]; fields = ""; values = false; }; showUnfilled = true; valueMode = "color"; }; pluginVersion = "10.0.2"; targets = [ { datasource = { type = "prometheus"; uid = promUid; }; editorMode = "code"; expr = ''max(irate(node_cpu_seconds_total{job="$host",instance="${builtins.toString config.services.prometheus.exporters.node.port}",mode=~"system|user"}[$__range]))''; hide = false; legendFormat = "CPU"; range = true; refId = "C"; } { datasource = { type = "prometheus"; uid = promUid; }; editorMode = "code"; expr = ''(node_memory_Active_bytes{job="$host"})/node_memory_MemTotal_bytes{job="$host"}''; hide = false; legendFormat = "Memory"; range = true; refId = "B"; } { datasource = { type = "prometheus"; uid = promUid; }; editorMode = "code"; exemplar = false; expr = ''(node_filesystem_size_bytes{mountpoint="/",job="$host"} - node_filesystem_avail_bytes{mountpoint=~"/",job="$host"}) / node_filesystem_size_bytes{mountpoint="/",job="$host"}''; instant = true; legendFormat = "Storage"; range = false; refId = "A"; } ]; title = "Vitals"; transformations = [ ]; transparent = true; type = "bargauge"; } # Top Processes by CPU { datasource = { type = "prometheus"; uid = promUid; }; description = ""; fieldConfig = { defaults = { color = { fixedColor = "#c4af88"; mode = "fixed"; }; decimals = 2; mappings = [ ]; thresholds = { mode = "absolute"; steps = [ { color = "green"; value = null; } { color = "red"; value = 10000000; } ]; }; unit = "percentunit"; }; overrides = [ ]; }; gridPos = { h = 8; w = 6; x = 12; y = 18; }; id = 14; options = { displayMode = "basic"; minVizHeight = 10; minVizWidth = 0; orientation = "horizontal"; reduceOptions = { calcs = [ "lastNotNull" ]; fields = ""; values = false; }; showUnfilled = true; valueMode = "color"; }; pluginVersion = "10.0.2"; targets = [ { datasource = { type = "prometheus"; uid = promUid; }; editorMode = "code"; exemplar = false; expr = ''topk(5, irate(namedprocess_namegroup_cpu_seconds_total{job="$host"}[$__range]))''; instant = true; legendFormat = "{{groupname}}"; range = false; refId = "A"; } ]; title = "Top Processes - CPU"; transparent = true; type = "bargauge"; } # Top Processes by Memory { datasource = { type = "prometheus"; uid = promUid; }; fieldConfig = { defaults = { color = { fixedColor = "#afb091"; mode = "fixed"; }; mappings = [ ]; thresholds = { mode = "absolute"; steps = [ { color = "green"; value = null; } { color = "red"; value = 10000000; } ]; }; unit = "bytes"; }; overrides = [ ]; }; gridPos = { h = 8; w = 6; x = 18; y = 18; }; id = 15; options = { displayMode = "basic"; minVizHeight = 10; minVizWidth = 0; orientation = "horizontal"; reduceOptions = { calcs = [ "lastNotNull" ]; fields = ""; values = false; }; showUnfilled = true; valueMode = "color"; }; pluginVersion = "10.0.2"; targets = [ { datasource = { type = "prometheus"; uid = promUid; }; editorMode = "code"; exemplar = false; expr = ''topk(5, rate(namedprocess_namegroup_memory_bytes{memtype="resident",job="$host"}[$__range]))''; instant = true; legendFormat = "{{groupname}}"; range = false; refId = "A"; } ]; title = "Top Processes - Memory"; transparent = true; type = "bargauge"; } ]; refresh = "10s"; schemaVersion = 38; style = "dark"; tags = [ ]; templating = { list = [ { current = { selected = true; text = [ "All" ]; value = [ "$__all" ]; }; datasource = { type = "prometheus"; uid = promUid; }; definition = "label_values(nodename)"; hide = 0; includeAll = true; label = "Host"; multi = true; name = "host"; options = [ ]; query = { query = "label_values(nodename)"; refId = "PrometheusVariableQueryEditor-VariableQuery"; }; refresh = 1; regex = ""; skipUrlSync = false; sort = 1; type = "query"; } ]; }; time = { from = "now-6h"; to = "now"; }; timepicker = { }; timezone = ""; title = "Main"; uid = "main"; version = 60; weekStart = ""; } )) }/dashboards"; } ]; alerting = { contactPoints.settings.contactPoints = [ { name = "grafana-default-email"; receivers = [ { uid = "basic-email"; type = "email"; settings.addresses = "grafana@${config.mail.server}"; } ]; } ]; muteTimings = { }; policies.settings = { resetPolicies = [ 1 ]; }; rules.settings.groups = [ { name = "Default"; interval = "1m"; folder = "Alerts"; rules = [ { uid = "cloudflare-tunnel"; title = "Cloudflare Tunnel"; condition = "C"; data = [ # Query to retrieve the status data { refId = "A"; relativeTimeRange = { from = 600; to = 0; }; datasourceUid = promUid; model = { editorMode = "code"; expr = ''systemd_unit_state{name=~"cloudflared-tunnel-.*", state="active", job!="tempest"}''; hide = false; instant = true; intervalMs = 1000; maxDataPoints = 43200; range = false; refId = "A"; }; } # Reduce to the max level, to ensure no false alarms { refId = "B"; relativeTimeRange = { from = 600; to = 0; }; datasourceUid = "__expr__"; model = { conditions = [ { evaluator = { params = [ ]; type = "gt"; }; operator = { type = "and"; }; query = { params = [ "B" ]; }; reducer = { params = [ ]; type = "last"; }; type = "query"; } ]; datasource = { type = "__expr__"; uid = "__expr__"; }; expression = "A"; hide = false; intervalMs = 1000; maxDataPoints = 43200; reducer = "max"; refId = "B"; type = "reduce"; }; } # Threshold to trigger alarm if below 100% uptime { refId = "C"; relativeTimeRange = { from = 600; to = 0; }; datasourceUid = "__expr__"; model = { conditions = [ { evaluator = { params = [ 1 ]; type = "lt"; }; operator = { type = "and"; }; query = { params = [ "C" ]; }; reducer = { params = [ ]; type = "last"; }; type = "query"; } ]; datasource = { type = "__expr__"; uid = "__expr__"; }; expression = "B"; hide = false; intervalMs = 1000; maxDataPoints = 43200; refId = "C"; type = "threshold"; }; } ]; noDataState = "Alerting"; execErrState = "Error"; for = "5m"; annotations = { description = "Cloudflare Tunnel for {{ index $labels \"job\" }}."; summary = "Cloudflare Tunnel is down."; }; isPaused = false; } ]; } ]; templates = { }; }; # notifiers = []; }; }; caddy.routes = [ { match = [ { host = [ config.hostnames.metrics ]; } ]; handle = [ { handler = "reverse_proxy"; upstreams = [ { dial = "localhost:${builtins.toString config.services.grafana.settings.server.http_port}"; } ]; } ]; } ]; # Configure Cloudflare DNS to point to this machine services.cloudflare-dyndns.domains = [ config.hostnames.metrics ]; }; }