# The Flame # System configuration for an Oracle free server # How to install: # https://blog.korfuri.fr/posts/2022/08/nixos-on-an-oracle-free-tier-ampere-machine/ # These days, probably use nixos-anywhere instead. { inputs, globals, overlays, ... }: inputs.nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem rec { system = "aarch64-linux"; specialArgs = { pkgs-stable = import inputs.nixpkgs-stable { inherit system; }; pkgs-caddy = import inputs.nixpkgs-caddy { inherit system; }; }; modules = [ { # Hardware networking.hostName = "flame"; # File systems must be declared in order to boot # This is the root filesystem containing NixOS # I forgot to set a clean label for it fileSystems."/" = { device = "/dev/disk/by-uuid/e1b6bd50-306d-429a-9f45-78f57bc597c3"; fsType = "ext4"; }; # This is the boot filesystem for systemd-boot fileSystems."/boot" = { device = "/dev/disk/by-uuid/D5CA-237A"; fsType = "vfat"; }; # Theming # Still require colors for programs like Neovim, K9S theme = { colors = (import ../../colorscheme/gruvbox-dark).dark; }; # Programs and services atuin.enable = true; cloudflare.enable = true; # Proxy traffic with Cloudflare dotfiles.enable = true; # Clone dotfiles neovim.enable = true; giteaRunner.enable = true; services.actualbudget.enable = true; services.caddy.enable = true; services.grafana.enable = true; services.thelounge.enable = true; services.openssh.enable = true; services.victoriametrics.enable = true; services.influxdb2.enable = true; services.gitea.enable = true; services.vaultwarden.enable = true; services.minecraft-server.enable = true; # Setup Minecraft server services.n8n.enable = true; services.ntfy-sh.enable = true; services.postgresql.enable = true; services.uptime-kuma.enable = true; system.autoUpgrade.enable = true; # Allows private remote access over the internet cloudflareTunnel = { enable = true; id = "bd250ee1-ed2e-42d2-b627-039f1eb5a4d2"; credentialsFile = ../../private/cloudflared-flame.age; ca = "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBK/6oyVqjFGX3Uvrc3VS8J9sphxzAnRzKC85xgkHfYgR3TK6qBGXzHrknEj21xeZrr3G2y1UsGzphWJd9ZfIcdA= open-ssh-ca@cloudflareaccess.org"; }; # Nextcloud backup config backup.s3 = { endpoint = "s3.us-west-002.backblazeb2.com"; bucket = "noahmasur-backup"; accessKeyId = "0026b0e73b2e2c80000000005"; resticBucket = "noahmasur-restic"; }; # Disable passwords, only use SSH key publicKeys = [ "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIB+AbmjGEwITk5CK9y7+Rg27Fokgj9QEjgc9wST6MA3s personal" ]; # # Wireguard config for Transmission # wireguard.enable = true; # networking.wireguard.interfaces.wg0 = { # # # The local IPs for this machine within the Wireguard network # # Any inbound traffic bound for these IPs should be kept on localhost # ips = [ "" "fc00:bbbb:bbbb:bb01::3:dc7/128" ]; # # peers = [{ # # # Identity of Wireguard target peer (VPN) # publicKey = "bOOP5lIjqCdDx5t+mP/kEcSbHS4cZqE0rMlBI178lyY="; # # # The public internet address of the target peer # endpoint = ""; # # # Which outgoing IP ranges should be sent through Wireguard # allowedIPs = [ "" "::0/0" ]; # # # Send heartbeat signal within the network # persistentKeepalive = 25; # # }]; # # }; # # VPN port forwarding # services.transmission.settings.peer-port = 57599; } ]; }