# Setup Nix # We need to distinguish between single-user and multi-user installs. # This is difficult because there's no official way to do this. # We could look for the presence of /nix/var/nix/daemon-socket/socket but this will fail if the # daemon hasn't started yet. /nix/var/nix/daemon-socket will exist if the daemon has ever run, but # I don't think there's any protection against accidentally running `nix-daemon` as a user. # We also can't just look for /nix/var/nix/profiles/default/etc/profile.d/nix-daemon.sh because # older single-user installs used the default profile instead of a per-user profile. # We can still check for it first, because all multi-user installs should have it, and so if it's # not present that's a pretty big indicator that this is a single-user install. If it does exist, # we still need to verify the install type. To that end we'll look for a root owner and sticky bit # on /nix/store. Multi-user installs set both, single-user installs don't. It's certainly possible # someone could do a single-user install as root and then manually set the sticky bit but that # would be extremely unusual. set -l nix_profile_path /nix/var/nix/profiles/default/etc/profile.d/nix-daemon.sh set -l single_user_profile_path ~/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/nix.sh if test -e $nix_profile_path # The path exists. Double-check that this is a multi-user install. # We can't just check for ~/.nix-profile/… because this may be a single-user install running as # the wrong user. # stat is not portable. Splitting the output of ls -nd is reliable on most platforms. set -l owner (string split -n ' ' (command ls -nd /nix/store 2>/dev/null))[3] if not test -k /nix/store -a $owner -eq 0 # /nix/store is either not owned by root or not sticky. Assume single-user. set nix_profile_path $single_user_profile_path end else # The path doesn't exist. Assume single-user set nix_profile_path $single_user_profile_path end if test -e $nix_profile_path # Source the nix setup script # We're going to run the regular Nix profile under bash and then print out a few variables for line in (command env -u BASH_ENV bash -c '. "$0"; for name in PATH "${!NIX_@}"; do printf "%s=%s\0" "$name" "${!name}"; done' $nix_profile_path | string split0) set -xg (string split -m 1 = $line) end # Insert Nix's fish share directories into fish's special variables. # nixpkgs-installed fish tries to set these up already if NIX_PROFILES is defined, which won't # be the case when sourcing $__fish_data_dir/share/config.fish normally, but might be for a # recursive invocation. To guard against that, we'll only insert paths that don't already exit. # Furthermore, for the vendor_conf.d sourcing, we'll use the pre-existing presence of a path in # $fish_function_path to determine whether we want to source the relevant vendor_conf.d folder. # To start, let's locally define NIX_PROFILES if it doesn't already exist. set -al NIX_PROFILES if test (count $NIX_PROFILES) -eq 0 set -a NIX_PROFILES $HOME/.nix-profile end # Replicate the logic from nixpkgs version of $__fish_data_dir/__fish_build_paths.fish. set -l __nix_profile_paths (string split ' ' -- $NIX_PROFILES)[-1..1] set -l __extra_completionsdir \ $__nix_profile_paths/etc/fish/completions \ $__nix_profile_paths/share/fish/vendor_completions.d set -l __extra_functionsdir \ $__nix_profile_paths/etc/fish/functions \ $__nix_profile_paths/share/fish/vendor_functions.d set -l __extra_confdir \ $__nix_profile_paths/etc/fish/conf.d \ $__nix_profile_paths/share/fish/vendor_conf.d ### Configure fish_function_path ### # Remove any of our extra paths that may already exist. # Record the equivalent __extra_confdir path for any function path that exists. set -l existing_conf_paths for path in $__extra_functionsdir if set -l idx (contains --index -- $path $fish_function_path) set -e fish_function_path[$idx] set -a existing_conf_paths $__extra_confdir[(contains --index -- $path $__extra_functionsdir)] end end # Insert the paths before $__fish_data_dir. if set -l idx (contains --index -- $__fish_data_dir/functions $fish_function_path) # Fish has no way to simply insert into the middle of an array. set -l new_path $fish_function_path[1..$idx] set -e new_path[$idx] set -a new_path $__extra_functionsdir set fish_function_path $new_path $fish_function_path[$idx..-1] else set -a fish_function_path $__extra_functionsdir end ### Configure fish_complete_path ### # Remove any of our extra paths that may already exist. for path in $__extra_completionsdir if set -l idx (contains --index -- $path $fish_complete_path) set -e fish_complete_path[$idx] end end # Insert the paths before $__fish_data_dir. if set -l idx (contains --index -- $__fish_data_dir/completions $fish_complete_path) set -l new_path $fish_complete_path[1..$idx] set -e new_path[$idx] set -a new_path $__extra_completionsdir set fish_complete_path $new_path $fish_complete_path[$idx..-1] else set -a fish_complete_path $__extra_completionsdir end ### Source conf directories ### # The built-in directories were already sourced during shell initialization. # Any __extra_confdir that came from $__fish_data_dir/__fish_build_paths.fish was also sourced. # As explained above, we're using the presence of pre-existing paths in $fish_function_path as a # signal that the corresponding conf dir has also already been sourced. # In order to simulate this, we'll run through the same algorithm as found in # $__fish_data_dir/config.fish except we'll avoid sourcing the file if it comes from an # already-sourced location. # Caveats: # * Files will be sourced in a different order than we'd ideally do (because we're coming in # after the fact to source them). # * If there are existing extra conf paths, files in them may have been sourced that should have # been suppressed by paths we're inserting in front. # * Similarly any files in $__fish_data_dir/vendor_conf.d that should have been suppressed won't # have been. set -l sourcelist for file in $__fish_config_dir/conf.d/*.fish $__fish_sysconf_dir/conf.d/*.fish # We know these paths were sourced already. Just record them. set -l basename (string replace -r '^.*/' '' -- $file) contains -- $basename $sourcelist or set -a sourcelist $basename end for root in $__extra_confdir for file in $root/*.fish set -l basename (string replace -r '^.*/' '' -- $file) contains -- $basename $sourcelist and continue set -a sourcelist $basename contains -- $root $existing_conf_paths and continue # this is a pre-existing path, it will have been sourced already [ -f $file -a -r $file ] and source $file end end end