{ pkgs, ... }: { # Enable the X11 windowing system. services.xserver = { enable = true; # Enable touchpad support libinput.enable = true; # Disable mouse acceleration libinput.mouse.accelProfile = "flat"; libinput.mouse.accelSpeed = "1.15"; # Keyboard responsiveness autoRepeatDelay = 250; autoRepeatInterval = 40; # Configure keymap in X11 layout = "us"; xkbOptions = "eurosign:e,caps:swapescape"; # Login screen displayManager = { lightdm = { enable = true; # Make the login screen dark greeters.gtk.theme.name = "Adwaita-dark"; # Put the login screen on the left monitor greeters.gtk.extraConfig = '' active-monitor=0 ''; }; setupCommands = '' ${pkgs.xorg.xrandr}/bin/xrandr --output DisplayPort-0 \ --mode 1920x1200 \ --pos 1920x0 \ --rotate left \ --output HDMI-0 \ --primary \ --mode 1920x1080 \ --pos 0x559 \ --rotate normal \ --output DVI-0 --off \ --output DVI-1 --off \ ''; }; }; }