{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }: { options.scrapeTargets = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.listOf lib.types.str; description = "Prometheus scrape targets"; default = [ ]; }; config = let # If hosting Grafana, host local Prometheus and listen for inbound jobs. If # not hosting Grafana, send remote Prometheus writes to primary host. isServer = config.services.grafana.enable; in lib.mkIf config.services.prometheus.enable { scrapeTargets = [ "${ builtins.toString config.services.prometheus.exporters.node.port }" "${ builtins.toString config.services.prometheus.exporters.systemd.port }" "${ builtins.toString config.services.prometheus.exporters.process.port }" ]; services.prometheus = { exporters.node.enable = true; exporters.systemd.enable = true; exporters.process.enable = true; exporters.process.settings.process_names = [ # Remove nix store path from process name { name = "{{.Matches.Wrapped}} {{ .Matches.Args }}"; cmdline = [ "^/nix/store[^ ]*/(?P[^ /]*) (?P.*)" ]; } ]; extraFlags = lib.mkIf isServer [ "--web.enable-remote-write-receiver" ]; scrapeConfigs = [{ job_name = config.networking.hostName; static_configs = [{ targets = config.scrapeTargets; }]; }]; webExternalUrl = lib.mkIf isServer "https://${config.hostnames.prometheus}"; # Web config file: https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/configuration/https/ webConfigFile = lib.mkIf isServer ((pkgs.formats.yaml { }).generate "webconfig.yml" { basic_auth_users = { # Generate password: htpasswd -nBC 10 "" | tr -d ':\n' # Encrypt and place in private/prometheus.age "prometheus" = "$2y$10$r7FWHLHTGPAY312PdhkPEuvb05aGn9Nk1IO7qtUUUjmaDl35l6sLa"; }; }); remoteWrite = lib.mkIf (!isServer) [{ name = config.networking.hostName; url = "https://${config.hostnames.prometheus}/api/v1/write"; basic_auth = { # Uses password hashed with bcrypt above username = "prometheus"; password_file = config.secrets.prometheus.dest; }; }]; }; # Create credentials file for remote Prometheus push secrets.prometheus = lib.mkIf (!isServer) { source = ../../../private/prometheus.age; dest = "${config.secretsDirectory}/prometheus"; owner = "prometheus"; group = "prometheus"; permissions = "0440"; }; systemd.services.prometheus-secret = lib.mkIf (!isServer) { requiredBy = [ "prometheus.service" ]; before = [ "prometheus.service" ]; }; caddy.routes = lib.mkIf isServer [{ match = [{ host = [ config.hostnames.prometheus ]; }]; handle = [{ handler = "reverse_proxy"; upstreams = [{ dial = "localhost:9090"; }]; }]; }]; }; }