{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }: { config = lib.mkIf config.services.nextcloud.enable { services.nextcloud = { package = pkgs.nextcloud28; # Required to specify configureRedis = true; datadir = "/data/nextcloud"; database.createLocally = true; https = true; hostName = "localhost"; maxUploadSize = "50G"; config = { adminpassFile = config.secrets.nextcloud.dest; dbtype = "pgsql"; }; settings = { default_phone_region = "US"; # Allow access when hitting either of these hosts or IPs trusted_domains = [ config.hostnames.content ]; trusted_proxies = [ "" ]; maintenance_window_start = 4; # Run jobs at 4am UTC }; extraAppsEnable = true; extraApps = with config.services.nextcloud.package.packages.apps; { inherit calendar contacts; # These apps are defined and pinned by overlay in flake. news = pkgs.nextcloudApps.news; external = pkgs.nextcloudApps.external; cookbook = pkgs.nextcloudApps.cookbook; snappymail = pkgs.nextcloudApps.snappymail; }; phpOptions = { "opcache.interned_strings_buffer" = "16"; "output_buffering" = "0"; }; }; # Don't let Nginx use main ports (using Caddy instead) services.nginx.enable = false; services.phpfpm.pools.nextcloud.settings = { "listen.owner" = config.services.caddy.user; "listen.group" = config.services.caddy.group; }; users.users.caddy.extraGroups = [ "nextcloud" ]; # Point Caddy to Nginx caddy.routes = [{ match = [{ host = [ config.hostnames.content ]; }]; handle = [{ handler = "subroute"; routes = [ # Sets variables and headers { handle = [ { handler = "vars"; # Grab the webroot out of the written config # The webroot is a symlinked combined Nextcloud directory root = config.services.nginx.virtualHosts.${config.services.nextcloud.hostName}.root; } { handler = "headers"; response.set.Strict-Transport-Security = [ "max-age=31536000;" ]; } ]; } # Reroute carddav and caldav traffic { match = [{ path = [ "/.well-known/carddav" "/.well-known/caldav" ]; }]; handle = [{ handler = "static_response"; headers = { Location = [ "/remote.php/dav" ]; }; status_code = 301; }]; } # Block traffic to sensitive files { match = [{ path = [ "/.htaccess" "/data/*" "/config/*" "/db_structure" "/.xml" "/README" "/3rdparty/*" "/lib/*" "/templates/*" "/occ" "/console.php" ]; }]; handle = [{ handler = "static_response"; status_code = 404; }]; } # Redirect index.php to the homepage { match = [{ file = { try_files = [ "{http.request.uri.path}/index.php" ]; }; not = [{ path = [ "*/" ]; }]; }]; handle = [{ handler = "static_response"; headers = { Location = [ "{http.request.orig_uri.path}/" ]; }; status_code = 308; }]; } # Rewrite paths to be relative { match = [{ file = { split_path = [ ".php" ]; try_files = [ "{http.request.uri.path}" "{http.request.uri.path}/index.php" "index.php" ]; }; }]; handle = [{ handler = "rewrite"; uri = "{http.matchers.file.relative}"; }]; } # Send all PHP traffic to Nextcloud PHP service { match = [{ path = [ "*.php" ]; }]; handle = [{ handler = "reverse_proxy"; transport = { protocol = "fastcgi"; split_path = [ ".php" ]; }; upstreams = [{ dial = "unix//run/phpfpm/nextcloud.sock"; }]; }]; } # Finally, send the rest to the file server { handle = [{ handler = "file_server"; }]; } ]; }]; terminal = true; }]; # Create credentials file for nextcloud secrets.nextcloud = { source = ../../../private/nextcloud.age; dest = "${config.secretsDirectory}/nextcloud"; owner = "nextcloud"; group = "nextcloud"; permissions = "0440"; }; systemd.services.nextcloud-secret = { requiredBy = [ "nextcloud-setup.service" ]; before = [ "nextcloud-setup.service" ]; }; # Grant user access to Nextcloud directories users.users.${config.user}.extraGroups = [ "nextcloud" ]; # Open to groups, allowing for backups systemd.services.phpfpm-nextcloud.serviceConfig.StateDirectoryMode = lib.mkForce "0770"; # Log metrics to prometheus networking.hosts."" = [ config.hostnames.content ]; services.prometheus.exporters.nextcloud = { enable = config.prometheus.exporters.enable; username = config.services.nextcloud.config.adminuser; url = "https://${config.hostnames.content}"; passwordFile = config.services.nextcloud.config.adminpassFile; }; prometheus.scrapeTargets = [ "${ builtins.toString config.services.prometheus.exporters.nextcloud.port }" ]; # Allows nextcloud-exporter to read passwordFile users.users.nextcloud-exporter.extraGroups = lib.mkIf config.services.prometheus.exporters.nextcloud.enable [ "nextcloud" ]; }; }