{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }: let cfg = config.services.filebrowser; inherit (config.nmasur.settings) hostnames; dataDir = "/var/lib/filebrowser"; settings = { port = 8020; baseURL = ""; address = ""; log = "stdout"; database = "${dataDir}/filebrowser.db"; root = ""; "auth.method" = "json"; username = config.user; # Generate password: htpasswd -nBC 10 "" | tr -d ':\n' password = "$2y$10$ze1cMob0k6pnXRjLowYfZOVZWg4G.dsPtH3TohbUeEbI0sdkG9.za"; }; in { options.services.filebrowser = { enable = lib.mkEnableOption "Filebrowser private files"; passwordHash = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.str; description = ''Hashed password created from htpasswd -nBC 10 "" | tr -d ':\n' ''; }; }; config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable { environment.etc."filebrowser/.filebrowser.json".text = builtins.toJSON settings; systemd.services.filebrowser = lib.mkIf config.filebrowser.enable { description = "Filebrowser cloud file services"; after = [ "network.target" ]; wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; startLimitIntervalSec = 14400; startLimitBurst = 10; serviceConfig = { ExecStart = "${pkgs.filebrowser}/bin/filebrowser"; DynamicUser = true; Group = "shared"; ReadWritePaths = [ dataDir ]; StateDirectory = [ "filebrowser" ]; Restart = "on-failure"; RestartPreventExitStatus = 1; RestartSec = "5s"; }; path = [ pkgs.getent ]; # Fix: getent not found in $PATH }; # Configure Cloudflare DNS to point to this machine services.cloudflare-dyndns.domains = [ hostnames.files ]; }; }