local M = {} M.packer = function(use) -- Startup speed hacks use({ "lewis6991/impatient.nvim", config = function() require("impatient") end, }) -- Improve speed and filetype detection use({ "nathom/filetype.nvim", config = function() -- Filetype for .env files local envfiletype = function() vim.bo.filetype = "text" vim.bo.syntax = "sh" end -- Force filetype patterns that Vim doesn't know about require("filetype").setup({ overrides = { extensions = { Brewfile = "brewfile", muttrc = "muttrc", tfvars = "terraform", tf = "terraform", }, literal = { Caskfile = "brewfile", [".gitignore"] = "gitignore", config = "config", }, complex = { [".*git/config"] = "gitconfig", ["tmux.conf%..*link"] = "tmux", ["gitconfig%..*link"] = "gitconfig", [".*ignore%..*link"] = "gitignore", [".*%.toml%..*link"] = "toml", }, function_extensions = {}, function_literal = { [".envrc"] = envfiletype, [".env"] = envfiletype, [".env.dev"] = envfiletype, [".env.prod"] = envfiletype, [".env.example"] = envfiletype, }, }, }) end, }) end return M