--- === ControlEscape === --- --- Adapted very loosely from https://github.com/jasonrudolph/ControlEscape.spoon --- Removed timing/delay; always send Escape as well as Control --- --- Make the `control` key more useful: If the `control` key is tapped, treat it --- as the `escape` key. If the `control` key is held down and used in --- combination with another key, then provide the normal `control` key --- behavior. local obj={} obj.__index = obj -- Metadata obj.name = 'ControlEscape' obj.version = '0.1' obj.author = 'Jason Rudolph ' obj.homepage = 'https://github.com/jasonrudolph/ControlEscape.spoon' obj.license = 'MIT - https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT' function obj:init() self.movements = 0 self.sendEscape = false self.lastModifiers = {} -- Create an eventtap to run each time the modifier keys change (i.e., each -- time a key like control, shift, option, or command is pressed or released) self.controlTap = hs.eventtap.new({hs.eventtap.event.types.flagsChanged}, function(event) local newModifiers = event:getFlags() -- If this change to the modifier keys does not involve a *change* to the -- up/down state of the `control` key (i.e., it was up before and it's -- still up, or it was down before and it's still down), then don't take -- any action. if self.lastModifiers['ctrl'] == newModifiers['ctrl'] then return false end -- Control was not down but is now if not self.lastModifiers['ctrl'] then self.lastModifiers = newModifiers if (not self.lastModifiers['cmd'] and not self.lastModifiers['alt']) then self.sendEscape = true self.movements = 0 end -- Control was down and is up, hasn't been blocked by another key, and -- isn't above the movement threshold elseif (self.sendEscape == true and not newModifiers['ctrl'] and self.movements < 12) then self.lastModifiers = newModifiers -- Allow for shift-escape if newModifiers['shift'] then hs.eventtap.keyStroke({'shift'}, 'escape', 0) else hs.eventtap.keyStroke(newModifiers, 'escape', 0) end self.sendEscape = false self.movements = 0 else self.lastModifiers = newModifiers end end ) -- If any other key is pressed, don't send escape self.asModifier = hs.eventtap.new({hs.eventtap.event.types.keyDown}, function(event) self.sendEscape = false end ) -- If mouse is moving significantly, don't send escape self.scrolling = hs.eventtap.new({hs.eventtap.event.types.gesture}, function(event) local touches = event:getTouches() local i, v = next(touches, nil) while i do if v["phase"] == "moved" then -- Increment the movement counter self.movements = self.movements + 1 end i, v = next(touches, i) -- get next index end end ) end --- ControlEscape:start() --- Method --- Start sending `escape` when `control` is pressed and released in isolation function obj:start() self.controlTap:start() self.asModifier:start() self.scrolling:start() end --- ControlEscape:stop() --- Method --- Stop sending `escape` when `control` is pressed and released in isolation function obj:stop() -- Stop monitoring keystrokes self.controlTap:stop() self.asModifier:stop() self.scrolling:stop() -- Reset state self.sendEscape = false self.lastModifiers = {} end return obj