# Gitea Actions is a CI/CD service for the Gitea source code server, meaning it # allows us to run code operations (such as testing or deploys) when our git # repositories are updated. Any machine can act as a Gitea Action Runner, so # the Runners don't necessarily need to be running Gitea. All we need is an API # key for Gitea to connect to it and register ourselves as a Runner. { config, pkgs, lib, ... }: let inherit (config.nmasur.settings) hostnames; cfg = config.nmasur.presets.services.gitea-runner-local; in { options.nmasur.presets.services.gitea-runner-local.enable = lib.mkEnableOption "Gitea Actions runner local to Gitea instance"; config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable { services.gitea-actions-runner.instances.${config.networking.hostName} = { enable = true; labels = [ # Provide a Debian base with NodeJS for actions # "debian-latest:docker://node:18-bullseye" # Fake the Ubuntu name, because Node provides no Ubuntu builds # "ubuntu-latest:docker://node:18-bullseye" # Provide native execution on the host using below packages "native:host" ]; hostPackages = with pkgs; [ bash coreutils curl gawk gitMinimal gnused nodejs wget ]; name = config.networking.hostName; url = "https://${hostnames.git}"; tokenFile = config.secrets.giteaRunnerToken.dest; }; # Make sure the runner doesn't start until after Gitea systemd.services."gitea-runner-${config.networking.hostName}".after = [ "gitea.service" ]; # API key needed to connect to Gitea secrets.giteaRunnerToken = { source = ./gitea-runner-token.age; # TOKEN=xyz dest = "${config.secretsDirectory}/gitea-runner-token"; }; systemd.services.giteaRunnerToken-secret = { requiredBy = [ "gitea-runner-${ config.services.gitea-actions-runner.instances.${config.networking.hostName}.name }.service" ]; before = [ "gitea-runner-${ config.services.gitea-actions-runner.instances.${config.networking.hostName}.name }.service" ]; }; }; }