{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }: { options = { wezterm = { enable = lib.mkEnableOption { description = "Enable WezTerm terminal."; default = false; }; }; }; config = let font = config.home-manager.users.${config.user}.programs.kitty.font.name; in lib.mkIf (config.gui.enable && config.wezterm.enable) { # Set the Rofi-Systemd terminal for viewing logs # Using optionalAttrs because only available in NixOS environment = { } // lib.attrsets.optionalAttrs (builtins.hasAttr "sessionVariables" config.environment) { sessionVariables.ROFI_SYSTEMD_TERM = "${pkgs.wezterm}/bin/wezterm"; }; home-manager.users.${config.user} = { # Set the i3 terminal xsession.windowManager.i3.config.terminal = lib.mkIf pkgs.stdenv.isLinux "wezterm"; # Set the Rofi terminal for running programs programs.rofi.terminal = lib.mkIf pkgs.stdenv.isLinux "${pkgs.wezterm}/bin/wezterm"; # Display images in the terminal programs.fish.shellAliases = { icat = lib.mkForce "wezterm imgcat"; }; programs.wezterm = { enable = true; colorSchemes = { myTheme = { background = config.theme.colors.base00; foreground = config.theme.colors.base05; cursor_bg = config.theme.colors.base05; cursor_fg = config.theme.colors.base00; cursor_border = config.theme.colors.base05; selection_bg = config.theme.colors.base05; selection_fg = config.theme.colors.base00; scrollbar_thumb = config.theme.colors.base03; ansi = [ config.theme.colors.base01 # black config.theme.colors.base0F # maroon config.theme.colors.base0B # green config.theme.colors.base0A # olive config.theme.colors.base0D # navy config.theme.colors.base0E # purple config.theme.colors.base0C # teal config.theme.colors.base06 # silver ]; brights = [ config.theme.colors.base03 # grey config.theme.colors.base08 # red config.theme.colors.base0B # lime config.theme.colors.base0A # yellow config.theme.colors.base0D # blue config.theme.colors.base0E # fuchsia config.theme.colors.base0C # aqua config.theme.colors.base07 # white ]; compose_cursor = config.theme.colors.base09; # orange copy_mode_active_highlight_bg = { Color = config.theme.colors.base03; }; copy_mode_active_highlight_fg = { Color = config.theme.colors.base07; }; copy_mode_inactive_highlight_bg = { Color = config.theme.colors.base02; }; copy_mode_inactive_highlight_fg = { Color = config.theme.colors.base06; }; quick_select_label_bg = { Color = config.theme.colors.base02; }; quick_select_label_fg = { Color = config.theme.colors.base06; }; quick_select_match_bg = { Color = config.theme.colors.base03; }; quick_select_match_fg = { Color = config.theme.colors.base07; }; }; }; extraConfig = '' return { color_scheme = "myTheme", -- Scrollback scrollback_lines = 10000, -- Window window_padding = { left = 10, right = 10, top = 10, bottom = 10, }, font = wezterm.font('${font}', { weight = 'Bold'}), font_size = ${if pkgs.stdenv.isLinux then "14.0" else "18.0"}, -- Fix color blocks instead of text front_end = "WebGpu", -- Tab Bar hide_tab_bar_if_only_one_tab = true, window_frame = { font = wezterm.font('${font}', { weight = 'Bold'}), font_size = ${if pkgs.stdenv.isLinux then "12.0" else "16.0"}, }, colors = { tab_bar = { active_tab = { bg_color = '${config.theme.colors.base00}', fg_color = '${config.theme.colors.base04}', }, }, }, -- Disable audio audible_bell = "Disabled", initial_rows = 80, initial_cols = 200, keys = { -- sends completion string for fish autosuggestions { key = 'Enter', mods = 'SHIFT', action = wezterm.action.SendString '\x1F' }, -- ctrl-shift-h was "hide" { key = 'H', mods = 'SHIFT|CTRL', action = wezterm.action.DisableDefaultAssignment }, -- alt-enter was "fullscreen" { key = 'Enter', mods = 'ALT', action = wezterm.action.DisableDefaultAssignment }, -- make super-f "fullscreen" { key = 'f', mods = 'SUPER', action = wezterm.action.ToggleFullScreen }, -- super-t open new tab in new dir { key = 't', mods = ${if pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin then "'SUPER'" else "'ALT'"}, action = wezterm.action.SpawnCommandInNewTab { cwd = wezterm.home_dir, }, }, -- shift-super-t open new tab in same dir { key = 't', mods = 'SUPER|SHIFT', action = wezterm.action.SpawnTab 'CurrentPaneDomain' }, -- project switcher { key = 'P', mods = 'SUPER', action = wezterm.action_callback(function(window, pane) local choices = {} wezterm.log_info "working?" function scandir(directory) local i, t, popen = 0, {}, io.popen local pfile = popen('${pkgs.fd}/bin/fd --search-path "'..directory..'" --type directory --exact-depth 2 | ${pkgs.proximity-sort}/bin/proximity-sort "'..os.getenv("HOME").."/dev/work"..'"') for filename in pfile:lines() do i = i + 1 t[i] = filename end pfile:close() return t end for _, v in pairs(scandir(os.getenv("HOME").."/dev")) do table.insert(choices, { label = v }) end window:perform_action( wezterm.action.InputSelector { action = wezterm.action_callback(function(window, pane, id, label) if not id and not label then wezterm.log_info "cancelled" else window:perform_action( wezterm.action.SpawnCommandInNewTab { cwd = label, }, pane ) end end), fuzzy = true, title = "Select Project", choices = choices, }, pane ) end), }, }, } ''; }; }; }; }