/** * Allows to change the settings of every menu simply by editing this file * https://gitlab.com/vahnrr/rofi-menus/-/blob/b1f0e8a676eda5552e27ef631b0d43e660b23b8e/themes/shared/settings.rasi */ * { /* General */ font: "Hack Nerd Font 60"; /* option menus: i3-layout, music, power and screenshot * * Values bellow are 'no-padding' ones for a size 60 (@icon-font) font, played * around using this character: ■ * We then add add 100 actual padding around the icons. * -12px 0px -19px -96px */ option-element-padding: 1% 1% 1% 1%; option-5-window-padding: 4% 4%; option-5-listview-spacing: 15px; prompt-text-font: "Hack Nerd Font 18"; prompt-window-height: 300px; prompt-window-width: 627px; prompt-window-border: 2px; prompt-prompt-padding: 20px 30px; prompt-prompt-margin: 8px; prompt-listview-padding: 60px 114px 0px 114px; /* Values bellow are 'no-padding' ones for a size 18 (@prompt-text-font) font, * played around using this character: ■ * We then add add 30 actual padding around the text. * -4px -1px -6px -28px */ prompt-element-padding: 26px 29px 24px 2px; vpn-textbox-prompt-colon-padding: @network-textbox-prompt-colon-padding; } /** * Settings used in every rofi option menu: */ #window { children: [ horibox ]; } #horibox { children: [ listview ]; } #listview { layout: horizontal; } element { padding: 40px 68px 43px 30px; } #window { padding: 20px; } #listview { spacing: 10px; lines: 5; }