{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }: let adminpassFile = "/var/lib/nextcloud/creds"; backupS3File = "/var/lib/nextcloud/backup-creds"; in { imports = [ ./caddy.nix ../shell/age.nix ]; options = { nextcloudServer = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.str; description = "Hostname for Nextcloud"; }; # Options for backup backupS3 = { endpoint = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.str; description = "S3 endpoint for backups"; }; bucket = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.str; description = "S3 bucket for backups"; }; accessKeyId = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.str; description = "S3 access key ID for backups"; }; }; }; config = { services.nextcloud = { enable = true; package = pkgs.nextcloud24; # Required to specify https = true; hostName = "localhost"; maxUploadSize = "50G"; config = { adminpassFile = adminpassFile; extraTrustedDomains = [ config.nextcloudServer ]; trustedProxies = [ # Cloudflare IPv4: https://www.cloudflare.com/ips-v4 "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" # Cloudflare IPv6: https://www.cloudflare.com/ips-v6 "2400:cb00::/32" "2606:4700::/32" "2803:f800::/32" "2405:b500::/32" "2405:8100::/32" "2a06:98c0::/29" "2c0f:f248::/32" ]; }; }; # Don't let Nginx use main ports (using Caddy instead) services.nginx.virtualHosts."localhost".listen = [{ addr = ""; port = 8080; }]; caddyRoutes = [{ match = [{ host = [ config.nextcloudServer ]; }]; handle = [{ handler = "reverse_proxy"; upstreams = [{ dial = "localhost:8080"; }]; }]; }]; # Create credentials file for nextcloud systemd.services.nextcloud-creds = { requiredBy = [ "nextcloud-setup.service" ]; before = [ "nextcloud-setup.service" ]; serviceConfig = { Type = "oneshot"; User = "root"; }; script = '' mkdir --parents $(dirname ${adminpassFile}) ${pkgs.age}/bin/age --decrypt \ --identity ${config.identityFile} \ --output ${adminpassFile} \ ${builtins.toString ../../private/nextcloud.age} chown nextcloud:nextcloud ${adminpassFile} chmod 0700 ${adminpassFile} ''; }; ## Backup config # Open to groups, allowing for backups systemd.services.phpfpm-nextcloud.serviceConfig.StateDirectoryMode = lib.mkForce "0770"; # Allow litestream and nextcloud to share a sqlite database users.users.litestream.extraGroups = [ "nextcloud" ]; users.users.nextcloud.extraGroups = [ "litestream" ]; # Backup sqlite database with litestream services.litestream = { enable = true; settings = { dbs = [{ path = "/var/lib/nextcloud/data/nextcloud.db"; replicas = [{ url = "s3://${config.backupS3.bucket}.${config.backupS3.endpoint}/nextcloud"; }]; }]; }; environmentFile = backupS3File; }; # Don't start litestream unless nextcloud is up systemd.services.litestream = { after = [ "phpfpm-nextcloud.service" ]; requires = [ "phpfpm-nextcloud.service" ]; environment.LITESTREAM_ACCESS_KEY_ID = config.backupS3.accessKeyId; }; # Create credentials file for litestream systemd.services.litestream-s3 = { requiredBy = [ "litestream.service" ]; before = [ "litestream.service" ]; serviceConfig = { Type = "oneshot"; }; script = '' echo \ LITESTREAM_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=$(${pkgs.age}/bin/age --decrypt \ --identity ${config.identityFile} \ ${builtins.toString ../../private/backup.age} \ ) > ${backupS3File} chown litestream:litestream ${backupS3File} chmod 0700 ${backupS3File} ''; }; }; }