
  home-packages = config.home-manager.users.${config.user}.home.packages;

  options = {
    gitName = lib.mkOption {
      type = lib.types.str;
      description = "Name to use for git commits";
    gitEmail = lib.mkOption {
      type = lib.types.str;
      description = "Email to use for git commits";

  config = {

    home-manager.users.root.programs.git = {
      enable = true;
      extraConfig.safe.directory = config.dotfilesPath;

    home-manager.users.${config.user} = {
      programs.git = {
        enable = true;
        userName = config.gitName;
        userEmail = config.gitEmail;
        extraConfig = {
          core.pager = "${pkgs.git}/share/git/contrib/diff-highlight/diff-highlight | less -F";
          interactive.difffilter = "${pkgs.git}/share/git/contrib/diff-highlight/diff-highlight";
          pager = {
            branch = "false";
          safe = {
            directory = config.dotfilesPath;
          pull = {
            ff = "only";
          push = {
            autoSetupRemote = "true";
          init = {
            defaultBranch = "master";
          rebase = {
            autosquash = "true";
          gpg = {
            format = "ssh";
            ssh.allowedSignersFile = "~/.config/git/allowed-signers";
          # commit.gpgsign = true;
          # tag.gpgsign = true;
        ignores = [
        includes = [
            path = "~/.config/git/personal";
            condition = "gitdir:~/dev/personal/";

      # Personal git config
      # TODO: fix with variables
      xdg.configFile."git/personal".text = ''
            name = "${config.fullName}"
            email = "7386960+nmasur@users.noreply.github.com"
            signingkey = ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
            gpgsign = true
            gpgsign = true

      xdg.configFile."git/allowed-signers".text = ''
        7386960+nmasur@users.noreply.github.com ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIB+AbmjGEwITk5CK9y7+Rg27Fokgj9QEjgc9wST6MA3s

      programs.fish.shellAbbrs = {
        g = "git";
        gs = "git status";
        gd = "git diff";
        gds = "git diff --staged";
        gdp = "git diff HEAD^";
        ga = "git add";
        gaa = "git add -A";
        gac = "git commit -am";
        gc = "git commit -m";
        gca = "git commit --amend --no-edit";
        gcae = "git commit --amend";
        gu = "git pull";
        gp = "git push";
        gl = "git log --graph --decorate --oneline -20";
        gll = "git log --graph --decorate --oneline";
        gco = "git checkout";
        gcom = ''git switch (git symbolic-ref refs/remotes/origin/HEAD | cut -d"/" -f4)'';
        gcob = "git switch -c";
        gb = "git branch";
        gpd = "git push origin -d";
        gbd = "git branch -d";
        gbD = "git branch -D";
        gdd = {
          position = "anywhere";
          setCursor = true;
          expansion = "BRANCH=% git push origin -d $BRANCH and git branch -d $BRANCH";
        gr = "git reset";
        grh = "git reset --hard";
        gm = "git merge";
        gcp = "git cherry-pick";
        cdg = "cd (git rev-parse --show-toplevel)";

      # Required for fish commands
      home.packages = with pkgs; [

      programs.fish.functions =
        lib.mkIf (builtins.elem pkgs.fzf home-packages && builtins.elem pkgs.bat home-packages)
            git = {
              body = builtins.readFile ./fish/functions/git.fish;
            git-add-fuzzy = {
              body = builtins.readFile ./fish/functions/git-add-fuzzy.fish;
            git-fuzzy-branch = {
              argumentNames = "header";
              body = builtins.readFile ./fish/functions/git-fuzzy-branch.fish;
            git-checkout-fuzzy = {
              body = ''
                set branch (git-fuzzy-branch "checkout branch...")
                and git checkout $branch
            git-delete-fuzzy = {
              body = ''
                set branch (git-fuzzy-branch "delete branch...")
                and git branch -d $branch
            git-force-delete-fuzzy = {
              body = ''
                set branch (git-fuzzy-branch "force delete branch...")
                and git branch -D $branch
            git-delete-both = {
              argumentNames = "branch";
              body = ''
                git push origin -d $branch
                git branch -d $branch
            git-merge-fuzzy = {
              body = ''
                set branch (git-fuzzy-branch "merge from...")
                and git merge $branch
            git-show-fuzzy = {
              body = builtins.readFile ./fish/functions/git-show-fuzzy.fish;
            git-commits = {
              body = builtins.readFile ./fish/functions/git-commits.fish;
            git-history = {
              body = builtins.readFile ./fish/functions/git-history.fish;
            uncommitted = {
              description = "Find uncommitted git repos";
              body = builtins.readFile ./fish/functions/uncommitted.fish;