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# The Swan
# System configuration for my home NAS server
rec {
networking.hostName = "swan";
nmasur.settings = {
username = "noah";
fullName = "Noah Masur";
# hostnames =
# let
# baseName = "masu.rs";
# in
# {
# audiobooks = "read.${baseName}";
# books = "books.${baseName}";
# content = "cloud.${baseName}";
# download = "download.${baseName}";
# files = "files.${baseName}";
# paperless = "paper.${baseName}";
# photos = "photos.${baseName}";
# prometheus = "prom.${baseName}";
# stream = "stream.${baseName}";
# };
nmasur.profiles = {
base.enable = true;
server.enable = true;
home.enable = true;
nas.enable = true;
home-manager.users."noah" = {
nmasur.settings = {
username = nmasur.settings.username;
fullName = nmasur.settings.fullName;
nmasur.profiles = {
common.enable = true;
linux-base.enable = true;
home.stateVersion = "23.05";
# Not sure what's necessary but too afraid to remove anything
boot.initrd.availableKernelModules = [
# Required for transcoding
boot.initrd.kernelModules = [ "amdgpu" ];
boot.kernelParams = [
# Required binary blobs to boot on this machine
hardware.enableRedistributableFirmware = true;
# Prioritize efficiency over performance
powerManagement.cpuFreqGovernor = "powersave";
# Allow firmware updates
hardware.cpu.intel.updateMicrocode = true;
# Generated with: head -c 8 /etc/machine-id
networking.hostId = "600279f4"; # Random ID required for ZFS
# Sets root ext4 filesystem instead of declaring it manually
disko = {
enableConfig = true;
devices = (import ../../disks/root.nix { disk = "/dev/nvme0n1"; });
# Allows private remote access over the internet
nmasur.presets.services.cloudflared = {
tunnel = {
id = "646754ac-2149-4a58-b51a-e1d0a1f3ade2";
credentialsFile = ../../private/cloudflared-swan.age;
ca = "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBCHF/UMtJqPFrf6f6GRY0ZFnkCW7b6sYgUTjTtNfRj1RdmNic1NoJZql7y6BrqQinZvy7nsr1UFDNWoHn6ah3tg= open-ssh-ca@cloudflareaccess.org";