2023-08-08 22:13:38 -04:00

224 lines
7.2 KiB

{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }:
lockUpdate =
"${pkgs.betterlockscreen}/bin/betterlockscreen --update ${config.wallpaper} --display 1 --span";
workspaces = {
"1" = "1:I";
"2" = "2:II";
"3" = "3:III";
"4" = "4:IV";
"5" = "5:V";
"6" = "6:VI";
"7" = "7:VII";
"8" = "8:VIII";
"9" = "9:IX";
"0" = "10:X";
in {
config = lib.mkIf pkgs.stdenv.isLinux {
services.xserver.windowManager = {
i3 = { enable =; };
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
feh # Wallpaper
playerctl # Media control
home-manager.users.${config.user} = {
xsession.windowManager.i3 = {
enable =;
config = let modifier = "Mod4"; # Super key
in {
modifier = modifier;
assigns = {
"${workspaces."1"}" = [{ class = "Firefox"; }];
"${workspaces."2"}" = [
{ class = "kitty"; }
{ class = "aerc"; }
{ class = "obsidian"; }
"${workspaces."3"}" = [{ class = "discord"; }];
"${workspaces."4"}" = [{ class = "Steam"; }];
bars = [{ command = "echo"; }]; # Disable i3bar
colors = let
background = config.theme.colors.base00;
inactiveBackground = config.theme.colors.base01;
border = config.theme.colors.base01;
inactiveBorder = config.theme.colors.base01;
text = config.theme.colors.base07;
inactiveText = config.theme.colors.base04;
urgentBackground = config.theme.colors.base08;
indicator = "#00000000";
in {
background = config.theme.colors.base00;
focused = {
inherit background indicator text border;
childBorder = background;
focusedInactive = {
inherit indicator;
background = inactiveBackground;
border = inactiveBorder;
childBorder = inactiveBackground;
text = inactiveText;
# placeholder = { };
unfocused = {
inherit indicator;
background = inactiveBackground;
border = inactiveBorder;
childBorder = inactiveBackground;
text = inactiveText;
urgent = {
inherit text indicator;
background = urgentBackground;
border = urgentBackground;
childBorder = urgentBackground;
floating.modifier = modifier;
focus = {
mouseWarping = true;
newWindow = "urgent";
followMouse = false;
keybindings = { };
modes = { };
startup = [
command = "feh --bg-fill ${config.wallpaper}";
always = true;
notification = false;
command = "i3-msg workspace ${
}, move workspace to output right";
notification = false;
command = "i3-msg workspace ${
}, move workspace to output left";
notification = false;
terminal = config.terminal;
window = {
border = 0;
hideEdgeBorders = "smart";
titlebar = false;
workspaceAutoBackAndForth = false;
workspaceOutputAssign = [ ];
extraConfig = "";
programs.sxhkd.keybindings = let
# Shortcuts
binds =
i3-msg = "${pkgs.i3}/bin/i3-msg";
# Create an attrset of keybinds to actions for every workspace by number
bindAll = let workspaceNums = builtins.attrNames workspaces;
in keybindFunction: actionFunction:
# 1 -> "keybind + 1" -> "some action on ws 1"
lib.genAttrs (map keybindFunction workspaceNums) actionFunction;
# Look up the name of the workspace based on its number
lookup = num: builtins.getAttr num workspaces;
in {
# Window navigation
"super + {h,j,k,l}" = ''${i3-msg} "focus {left,down,up,right}"'';
"super + {Left,Down,Up,Right}" = binds."super + {h,j,k,l}";
"super + shift + {h,j,k,l}" = ''${i3-msg} "move {left,down,up,right}"'';
"super + shift + {Left,Down,Up,Right}" =
binds."super + shift + {h,j,k,l}";
"super + q" = ''${i3-msg} "kill"'';
"super + f" = ''${i3-msg} "fullscreen toggle"'';
# Screen management
"super + control + l" = ''${i3-msg} "move workspace to output right"'';
"super + control + h" = ''${i3-msg} "move workspace to output left"'';
# Window layouts and tiling
"super + {i,v}" = ''${i3-msg} "split {h,v}"'';
"super + {s,t,e}" =
''${i3-msg} "layout {stacking,tabbed,toggle split}"'';
"super + shift + space" = ''${i3-msg} "floating toggle"'';
"super + control + space" = ''${i3-msg} "focus mode_toggle"'';
"super + a" = ''${i3-msg} "focus parent"'';
# Restart and reload
"super + shift + {c,r}" = ''${i3-msg} "{reload,restart}"'';
# Bind super + workspace -> switch to workspace
// (bindAll (num: "super + ${num}")
(num: ''${i3-msg} "workspace ${lookup num}"''))
# Bind super + shift + workspace -> move to workspace
// (bindAll (num: "super + shift + ${num}") (num:
${i3-msg} "move container to workspace ${lookup num}; workspace ${
lookup num
lockScreenCommand =
"${pkgs.betterlockscreen}/bin/betterlockscreen --lock --display 1 --blur 0.5 --span"; = {
update-lock-screen = lib.mkIf {
description = "Update lockscreen with wallpaper";
body = lockUpdate;
# Update lock screen cache only if cache is empty
home.activation.updateLockScreenCache =
let cacheDir = "${config.homePath}/.cache/betterlockscreen/current";
in lib.mkIf
[ "writeBoundary" ] ''
if [ ! -d ${cacheDir} ] || [ -z "$(ls ${cacheDir})" ]; then
$DRY_RUN_CMD ${lockUpdate}
# Ref: = {
enable =;
description = "Lock the screen before suspend";
before = [ "" "" ];
serviceConfig = {
User = config.user;
Type = "simple";
Environment = "DISPLAY=:0";
TimeoutSec = "infinity";
ExecStart = config.lockScreenCommand;
ExecStartPost = "${pkgs.coreutils-full}/bin/sleep 1";
wantedBy = [ "" "" ];