Noah Masur cf77adb366 neovim lsp refactor
remove null-ls (archived, deprecated)
replace formatting with conform.nvim
replace diagnostics with nvim-lint
fixed issue where overlay neovim plugins weren't being applied
2024-02-10 21:04:37 -05:00

110 lines
3.3 KiB

{ pkgs, lib, config, dsl, ... }: {
# Terraform optional because non-free
options.terraform = lib.mkEnableOption "Whether to enable Terraform LSP";
options.github = lib.mkEnableOption "Whether to enable GitHub features";
options.kubernetes =
lib.mkEnableOption "Whether to enable Kubernetes features";
config = {
plugins = [
setup.fidget = { };
use.lspconfig.lua_ls.setup = dsl.callWith {
settings = { Lua = { diagnostics = { globals = [ "vim" "hs" ]; }; }; };
capabilities =
dsl.rawLua "require('cmp_nvim_lsp').default_capabilities()";
cmd = [ "${pkgs.lua-language-server}/bin/lua-language-server" ];
use.lspconfig.nil_ls.setup = dsl.callWith {
cmd = [ "${pkgs.nil}/bin/nil" ];
capabilities =
dsl.rawLua "require('cmp_nvim_lsp').default_capabilities()";
use.lspconfig.pyright.setup = dsl.callWith {
cmd = [ "${pkgs.pyright}/bin/pyright-langserver" "--stdio" ];
use.lspconfig.terraformls.setup = dsl.callWith {
cmd = if config.terraform then [
] else
[ "echo" ];
use.lspconfig.rust_analyzer.setup = dsl.callWith {
cmd = [ "${pkgs.rust-analyzer}/bin/rust-analyzer" ];
settings = {
"['rust-analyzer']" = { check = { command = "clippy"; }; };
setup.conform = {
format_on_save = {
# These options will be passed to conform.format()
timeout_ms = 500;
lsp_fallback = true;
formatters_by_ft = {
lua = [ "stylua" ];
python = [ "black" ];
fish = [ "fish_indent" ];
nix = [ "nixfmt" ];
rust = [ "rustfmt" ];
sh = [ "shfmt" ];
terraform = if config.terraform then [ "terraform_fmt" ] else [ ];
hcl = if config.terraform then [ "terraform_fmt" ] else [ ];
formatters = {
lua.command = "${pkgs.stylua}/bin/stylua";
black.command = "${}/bin/black";
fish_indent.command = "${}/bin/fish_indent";
nixfmt.command = "${pkgs.nixfmt}/bin/nixfmt";
rustfmt = {
command = "${pkgs.rustfmt}/bin/rustfmt";
prepend_args = [ "--edition" "2021" ];
shfmt = {
command = "${pkgs.shfmt}/bin/shfmt";
prepend_args = [ "-i" "4" "-ci" ];
terraform_fmt.command =
if config.terraform then "${pkgs.terraform}/bin/terraform" else "";
use.lint = {
linters_by_ft = dsl.toTable {
python = [ "ruff" ];
sh = [ "shellcheck" ];
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd = dsl.callWith [
(dsl.toTable [ "BufEnter" "BufWritePost" ])
(dsl.rawLua "{ callback = function() require('lint').try_lint() end }")
lua = ''
${builtins.readFile ./lsp.lua}
local ruff = require('lint').linters.ruff; ruff.cmd = "${pkgs.ruff}/bin/ruff"
local shellcheck = require('lint').linters.shellcheck; shellcheck.cmd = "${pkgs.shellcheck}/bin/shellcheck"
-- Prevent infinite log size (change this when debugging)