2022-06-14 07:32:27 -04:00

25 lines
744 B

--- === Move Window ===
local obj = {}
obj.__index = obj
-- Metadata
obj.name = "MoveWindow"
obj.version = "0.1"
obj.license = "MIT - https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT"
function obj:init()
-- bind hotkey
hs.hotkey.bind({ "alt", "ctrl", "cmd" }, "n", function()
-- get the focused window
local win = hs.window.focusedWindow()
-- get the screen where the focused window is displayed, a.k.a. current screen
local screen = win:screen()
-- compute the unitRect of the focused window relative to the current screen
-- and move the window to the next screen setting the same unitRect
win:move(win:frame():toUnitRect(screen:frame()), screen:next(), true, 0)
return obj